quinta-feira, novembro 12

Eleição do(a) Presidente do Conselho Europeu

Ok, eu voto nesta!

"Vaira Vīķe-Freiberga (also known as Vaira Vikis-Freibergs) was the 6th President of Latvia and first female President of Latvia and of eastern Europe. She was elected President of Latvia in 1999 and re-elected in 2003.
Dr. Vaira Vike-Freiberga is a professor and interdisciplinary scholar having published eleven books and numerous articles, essays and book chapters in addition to her extensive speaking engagements. As President of the Republic of Latvia 1999-2007, she has been instrumental in achieving membership in the European Union and NATO for her country. She is active in international politics, was named Special Envoy to the Secretary General on United Nations reform and was official candidate for UN Secretary General in 2006. She remains active in the international arena and continues to speak up in defense of liberty, equality and social justice, and for the need of Europe to acknowledge the whole of its history. In December 2007 she was named vice-chair of the Reflection group on the long term future of the European Union. She is also known for her work in psycholinguistics, semiotics and analysis of the oral literature of her native country."

Artigo extraído da Wikipédia


3 Comentários:

Às 12 novembro, 2009 16:39 , Blogger Meg disse...


Não estarás a ser demasiado optimista?
É que mesmo com esse curriculum todo, eu sou como o S.Tomás...
É que o cargo deve requerer uma cintura muito flexível.
Se me entendes.

Um abraço

Às 12 novembro, 2009 18:54 , Blogger Nilson Barcelli disse...

Não tem mau perfil.
Mas, nestes casos, os candidatos são como os melões...

Às 12 novembro, 2009 19:16 , Blogger Peter disse...


Para mim é uma ilustre desconhecida, mas como não conheço nenhum/a, confio em ti por estares no centro dos acontecimentos.

Só depois é que vi que Latvia é o país a que chamamos Letónia.


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